About Pastor Robert Kayanja


Pastor Kayanja was called into ministry at the age of 17. Launching out into a world that hardly believed whether God still performs miracles, Pastor Kayanja started Miracle Centre church, a papyrus reed structure, together with a few other young ministers having a ‘congregation’ of just one person. Miracle upon miracle, the church has grown in leaps and bounds. He is the Senior Pastor of Miracle Centre Cathedral in Kampala, Uganda. He is also the overseer of Miracle Bible College, the Never Again Children’s project and the Kapeeka orphanage (both children’s outreaches). He has a Television program called Miracle Life which airs on Lighthouse and Daystar Television networks.

Obeying the great commission, Pastor Kayanja travels around the globe and has been to over 54 nations spreading the good news gospel of Jesus Christ. He is one of the most acclaimed gospel preachers who have been hosted on the Trinity Broadcasting Network. Upon his heart God has placed a message; “Minister Love in a hurting world”, a way of bringing the lost souls back to God through miracles, signs and wonders. He has held crusades with over 50,000 people in countries like Colombia, Panama, South Africa, Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda, and many others. Another big crusade is coming up in Burundi this year.


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